
How To Pass The Cbest Writing

CBEST Writing Practice Test

If you're on this page, there's a good chance you're nearing the end of your teacher's education. Congratulations on making it this far! After years of studying and devotion, your career goals are finally coming to fruition. However, before you can step foot in the classroom, you must take care of one final task: the CBEST exam.

Also known as the California Basic Educational Skills Test, the CBEST is required for all aspiring Californian public school educators. Its purpose is to gauge your comprehension of all the cognitive skills you'll need within the classroom environment, especially from an academic standpoint. Scoring well on the CBEST will prove to the Californian school board that you are ready and able to lead a classroom as effectively as possible. As such, you cannot teach without first having passed this exam.

CBEST Writing Practice Test

Click here for 20% off of Mometrix CBEST online course. Use code: ICBEST20

CBEST Online Course

If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online CBEST Prep Course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The CBEST Course includes:

  • 58 Review Lessons Covering All the Topics
  • 650+ CBEST Practice Questions
  • 170+ Video Tutorials
  • More than 500 Electronic Flashcards
  • Money-back Guarantee
  • Free Mobile Access
  • and More!

The CBEST Course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their CBEST exam; click below to check it out.

  • CBEST Online Course

CBEST Test Overview

The exam is extensive in its content, all for the sake of evaluating you in every area possible. You will find the CBEST addresses three of the core subjects you studied during your earlier school years. Specifically, the test will evaluate your abilities with Writing, Mathematics, and Reading.

The CBEST is distinct from other standardized tests you may have taken in the past in terms of timing. You will be given a full four hour block to finish the CBEST. However, the various subtests are not timed. Rather, you will be able to progress through the exam at your own pace, allowing you to take as much time as you need to tackle the more difficult areas of the exam as you encounter them. While this type of test scheduling has its benefits, you'll want to be sure that you don't spend too much time on one subtest alone. This may inhibit your ability to finish the entire test.

The CBEST Writing exam may take up the majority of your testing time. Unlike other writing exams, there is no multiple choice section whatsoever. Rather, you will be presented with two distinct writing prompts, which you must reply to with a full, five-paragraph essay. Both of the prompts featured on the exam have their own individual goals. One prompt covers a concept known as the "referential aim," while the other prompt addresses the "expressive aim." More specifically, these prompts deal with interpreting information and conveying your individual thoughts and opinions, respectively.

We will go into more detail about each of the essay prompts, as well as the various other concepts the Writing subtest seeks to evaluate, below.

    • The Type I prompt will ask you to think about an experience you remember having. You should answer this prompt by talking not just about that experience, but the thoughts and emotions it evoked from you. The prompt will give you a specific scenario to reminisce about.
    • The Type II prompt deals with your ability to write analytically. You will be presented with a written statement, which you must give your opinion on from a logical standpoint.

In addition to the objectives specified by each prompt, the Writing subtest will evaluate five specific capabilities, all of which are related to writing. These capabilities include writing out a coherent thought that does not blend the subjective with the objective, does not make inferences that cannot be pulled logically from the text, and does not conflict with itself; can be easily read and understood; is grammatically sound; has supplemental information or statements that lend to the central argument; and consistently relates to the subject at hand.

It may help to outline your thoughts before writing out your essay. This will make it easier to organize your thoughts properly in your final draft.

Much like the other portions of the CBEST exam, the Writing subtest requires a minimum score of 41 to be considered passing. Putting together a thorough study plan will ensure your ability to meet (and surpass) this score on test day. Luckily, the Mometrix Test Preparation team is here to help you in this regard. We understand how important this exam is to your future career goals. That's why we've made it our mission to provide you with only the most topnotch study resources.

You'll find our resources for the Writing portion of the CBEST exam further down on this page. We have composed a CBEST Writing practice test and CBEST Writing study guides for you to use at your convenience throughout your studies. Each of these tools should prove to be effective additions to your study plan.

We recommend our practice test to anyone who is interested in familiarizing themselves with the test before exam day. We have composed our practice test with the help of thorough research to ensure it is as accurate to the real thing as possible. This means you can trust our practice test to closely match the real test in terms of format and content. However, you can use our practice test for more than simply learning the ins and outs of how the test works. You can also take advantage of it to gauge your skill with the material. Once you finish the practice test, you can check over your performance to see where your weaknesses and strengths lie with the material. Based on that, you can rework your study plan to devote more attention to the areas you didn't perform as well in. This will give you a leg up in terms of your performance on the real exam.

Our study guide works a little differently from the practice test. Rather than giving you a hands on example of what to expect from the test, you will be given in-depth information about the kind of content the test features and what objectives it seeks to assess. Through our study guide, you can gain a better sense of how to focus your study efforts and how to proceed if you find yourself stuck.

These study tools can be used together or standalone. Regardless of how you use them, we hope they will fit well into your study plan. Work hard, and good luck!

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How To Pass The Cbest Writing


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